Archive for February, 2018

Restoring the Appearance of Your Upper Arms with BodyTite

Is the beauty of your upper arms being ruined by loose upper-arm skin? Most of the time, people will think about undergoing an arm lift to correct the issue, but that is not always the best option. While the arm lift procedure is the correct choice for addressing severe aesthetic issues with the upper arms, […]

Facelift – Abstaining from Smoking

You are most likely aware of the health hazards that are associated with smoking tobacco. However, many people are not aware of the negative effects smoking can have on the results of surgical procedures like a facelift. Knowing the potential risks can help you to decide if a facelift procedure is safe for you. It […]

How Long Can I Expect My Facelift to Last?

The facelift procedure is capable of providing long-lasting and natural-looking results. The results of your facelift should last for around ten years. These results can be preserved further by maintaining a good skin care routine, which will prevent new fine lines and wrinkles from becoming more noticeable so that they don’t detract from the beauty […]

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